The story of Mat et Nomade begins with Paris and a missing yoga mat. Upon traveling to France, Paula Ferré wanted to join a yoga practice in the Jardin des Tuileries but realized that she could not take her mat from Barcelona, as it was too heavy and bulky for the plane. After walking around Paris without getting a technical, quality, and well-designed travel mat, an idea appeared, a project, a dream, et voilà, Mat et Nomade was born. ♡
Hey, I am Paula Ferré – since I was born, I have been a creative human being, and I had been lucky to be able to study my great passion, Design. I have collaborated with multiple brands, applying my creative vision, and helping them to expand in the market.
Furthermore, I can also say that I am a happy yogini who tries to learn every day, to be a better person and to practice in an honest and conscious way.
All these labels have helped me to get to know myself and discover what I want to do in life, to find my way to Mat et Nomade, a project, a lifestyle with which I identify, and with which I want to help people through yoga, promoting the practice and creating a connection between people, life, design and consciousness.